Ichiro Hashimoto’s Academic Personal Website
I am a PhD student in Statistics at Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Toronto, where I am fortunate enough to be supervised by wonderful supervisors Piotr Zwiernik and Stanilav Volgushev. You can contact me via email.
I received my undergraduate education at University of Tokyo (Math major) and further obtained Master’s degree (Mathematical Sciences) at Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo, during which I studied complex geometry using techniques from partial differential equation and functional analysis.
Research Interests
My particular research interest is in the Mathematics of Machine Learning/Deep Learning. I’m currently working on deeper understanding of implicit bias phenomenon and its connection to the benign overfitting phenomenon with ultimate goal of answering the fundamental question why Deep Neural Networks work well. My other research interests include, but not limited to, high-dimensional probability/statistics, mathematical statistics, etc.
Prior Experiences
Prior to starting my PhD study, I held various positions in the Japanese Government over the past decade at Cabinet Office, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology (MEXT), and Consulate-General of Japan in San Francisco. The most siginificant achivements at the time include, but not limited to, the launch of 10 trillion yen National University Innovation fund, the next generation 3 GeV synchrtoron facility NanoTerasu, and the first National Quantum Science and Technology Strategy.